Posted: May 28th, 2022

how to search for employment, write a cover letter and resume.

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Your Presentation should address the questions: These six questions are what is required of you to answer during your final presentation. You may provide a brief introduction of yourself identifying a unique characteristic or history regarding your background experience or culture.
1. What have I learned about myself from the course? Forexample, how to search for employment, write a cover letter and resume.
• 2. How might the academic skills that I have developed thus far be part of my career plan? For example, research, writing and or accounting.
• 3. How might an internship experience aid with my career plans? (If applicable) For example, the pros and cons of an internship.
• 4. Where I am going and what are my next steps? For example, graduate, search for employment, go on to complete a master’s degree.
• 5. How does the knowledge from this course translate to career options? For example, how are you going to incorporate what was learned and turn your knowledge into a career?
• 6. How might a mentor assist me with my future goals? Where and how would I go about finding a mentor?

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