Posted: May 28th, 2022

Acme General Contractors

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Section I: Background
Acme General Contractors is the general contractor for a new 20-story commercial building in downtown Centerville, USA. The building will use a rigid-frame structure and reinforced concrete construction. A major subcontractor on the project who will be performing the roofing and interior insulation and drywall installation has hired you as the safety officer.
Section II: Assignment
Analyze the hazards associated with the roofing and the interior work. You should identify at least three hazards for each activity.
Perform a risk assessment on three of the hazards that you identified for each activity (six total) using the 4 X 5 matrix shown in Figure 34-1 on page 492 of the textbook or in the quantitative risk assessment form, which can be accessed by clicking here .
Prioritize the need for controls for the hazards that you selected based on the results of the risk assessment.
Using the hierarchy of engineering controls listed in Figure 3-3 on page 29 of the textbook, recommend a control method for each hazard that you believe would be the most effective in reducing risk to an acceptable level. Explain why you made the choice, and support your decisions with at least one reference other than the textbook.
Use the 4 X 5 matrix or the quantitative risk assessment form to show the reduction in risk for each hazard after the control method has been applied.
For any fall protection that you recommend, be specific about the type of fall protection needed.
Discuss how Prevention through Design (PtD) could be used to reduce the risks associated with these operations.
Prepare your project in a properly formatted APA document including a title page, the body of the paper, and a references page. The body of your paper must be a minimum of four pages in length and be double-spaced; the title page and references page will not count toward meeting the four-page minimum requirement. You must use your textbook and at least one other source outside of the textbook as references.

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