Posted: May 28th, 2022

how municipal waste facilities utilize their own byproduct(s) to fuel incinerators to generate energy.

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Through this unit, you will further learn how municipal waste facilities utilize their own byproduct(s) to fuel incinerators to generate energy. We will also learn about pyrolysis and gasification units, as well as mass burn units or refuse-derived fuel (RDF) units.
Unfortunately, ALL incinerators emit some type of air pollution when burning MSW. So we will learn about primary and secondary pollutants, acid rain, and global warming gases; all of which can be controlled or completely removed depending on the elimination processes used within the facility.
For this assignment, compose an essay that addresses the prompts below.
Describe the components of municipal solid waste that are most suitable and least suitable for thermal processing.
Explain the components of WTE plants.
Summarize treatment of emissions from WTE plants.
Compute the heat value using a calorimeter: In a particular test, a 12-gram sample of refuse-derived fuel was placed in a calorimeter. The temperature rise following the test was 4.34°C. If the refuse has a heat capacity of 8540 calories/°C, what is the heat value of the test sample in calories/gram?
Compute flow rate and temperature downstream from a WTE plant: Flow rate and temperature measurements were made along a river upstream of a WTE plant. The river temperature was recorded as 18°C, and the flow rate was 20 m³/s. Cooling water from a WTE plant flows into the river at a rate of 4 m³/s and a temperature of 78°C. What is the flow rate in the river downstream of the WTE plant in m³/s? What is the river temperature downstream of the WTE plant in °C?
In your paper, limit the number of direct quotations that are taken from outside sources. The majority of your paper should be composed of your own thoughts and paraphrased information.
Make certain that your essay meets the criteria listed below.
Include a title page.
Provide an introduction.
Your paper must be at least three full pages in length, not counting the title page and references page.

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