Posted: May 31st, 2022

What is employment branding and why is it a crucial component of recruiting?

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Employment Branding
What is employment branding and why is it a crucial component of recruiting? Cite at least 2 scholarly source in your response. Tie into real life example the textbook can be one of the sources,. I will also attached the learning materials he gave with the week.
Discussion post guidelines,:
Initial Substantive Posts: Submit an initial response to each of the prompts provided each week by me. Your initial post should be substantive (approximately 250-300 words in length) and must be posted by 11:59 p.m., Central Time by Wednesday of each week. In your substantive post you are encouraged to use references (you may use your textbook); show evidence of critical thinking as it applies to the concepts or prompt and/or use examples of the application of the concepts to work and life. Proper punctuation, grammar and correct spelling are expected. Please use the spell-check function.

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