Posted: May 31st, 2022

Write a one-page paper and construct a competency model from the Competency Model Clearing House.

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Write a one-page paper and construct a competency model from the Competency Model Clearing House. This is a discussion about Competency Model on Whole Foods Company write the discussion
and build a competent model ]. My User ID is jfbooker1291 and my pass word is Common%1940 FOLLOW the upload instruction Assume that you have been requested by Whole Foods to build a competency model for one group of jobs – customer service associates. We know that customer service associate’s jobs tend to be similar across organizations in the retail industry. However, Whole Foods stores seek to distinguish themselves from competitors on the basis of the competencies of their customer service associates.
The website below has a tool that can help you develop a competency model for Whole Foods customer service associates from a generic model for the retail industry. Please visit the website and build a model up to Tier 4 – Industry-Wide Competencies. You will have to create an account. You should be able to download a word version of your competency model.

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