Posted: March 3rd, 2022

1. As a new Products Process Manager, you are responsible for helping project managers to develop new product processes and use them effectively; Explain the difference between Invention and innovation relative to new product development.

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1. As a new Products Process Manager, you are responsible for helping project managers to develop new product processes and use them effectively;
Explain the difference between Invention and innovation relative to new product development.
2. Take a moment and reflect on the topics introduced in this Unit.
Formulate at least one question that arose while you were reading the material and completing the assignments.
Was there anything in this Unit that surprised you or caught your attention? Explain.
For assistance with reflective writing, read How to Write a Reflective Paper.
The Portfolio Assignment entry should be a minimum of 500 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources. This assignment is graded by the instructor.

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