Posted: June 2nd, 2022

Conduct research using the CSU Online Library, and find at least two articles on handling project conflict management

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Conduct research using the CSU Online Library, and find at least two articles on handling project conflict management. In your paper, identify the different styles you found in your research, and compare and contrast each style. Identify either low, medium, or high for concern for self and concern for others in your paper. Also, include a synopsis of each article to include when appropriate for projects. See exhibit 13.11, located on page 371 of your textbook, for an example.
Be sure to use APA format and cite your work. Your paper should be at least three pages in length and will include a title and reference page which are not included in the page count.
Sutterfield, J. S., Friday-Stroud, S. S., & Shivers-Blackwell, S. L. (2007). How NOT to Manage a Project: Conflict Management Lessons Learned from a DOD Case Study. Journal of Behavioral & Applied Management, 8(3), 218–238.
Tabassi, A. A., Abdullah, A., & Bryde, D. J. (2019). Conflict Management, Team Coordination, and Performance Within Multicultural Temporary Projects: Evidence From the Construction Industry. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 101–114.

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