Posted: June 3rd, 2022

Write a paragraph about the three important characteristics you would like an employer to possess.

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What to do: Write a paragraph about the three important characteristics you would like
an employer to possess.
The Paragraph: generally a good paragraph is one that makes three points
in five sentences.
Sentence one – The topic sentence that presents the subject of the
paragraph and which transitions from the previous paragraph.
Sentences two, three, and four – Sentences that support the topic
sentence with specific examples.
Sentence five – The last sentence is the conclusion which re-states the
topic sentence and signals to your reader that you are about to transition
to a new paragraph.
SAMPLE Paragraph 1
Many reasons lead people to make one of the most important decisions
about their future, choosing a career. People may lose their job and need
to find a new one. They may be unhappy in a current job and choose to try
a different career. Or, they might currently be thinking about going to
school and need to decide what area to study. Whatever the reasons,
choosing a career has an important impact on our lives and needs to be
taken seriously

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