Posted: June 6th, 2022

the role that project leaders should have in positively responding to one of the Megatrends identified by the Project Management Institute (PMI)

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This assessment item is very closely linked to the following
unit objectives:
• Apply individual,
and team-working skills, knowledge and conceptual models in the context of
managing projects
• Critically analyse contemporary project management
literature concerning the roles of leaders and managers in influencing projects
and achieving project management goals
Prepare a report that
examines the role that project leaders should have in positively responding to
one of the Megatrends identified by the Project Management Institute (PMI) –
see link below. Include specific proposals for closing skill gaps or leveraging
existing strengths and propose what developmental initiatives should be part of
preparing the project leaders and their leadership for 2030 and beyond.
The following sources are to be used as a starting point for
your extended reading for this assignment.
Global Megatrends 2022:
Project Management Institute 2022, Global Megatrends 2022,
Project Management Institute Inc, Newtown Square PA, viewed 31 March 2022,
Whyte, J, Naderpajouh, N, Clegg, S, Matous, P, Pollack, J
& Crawford, L 2022, ‘Project leadership: A research agenda for a changing
world’, Project Leadership and Society, vol 3. pp.100044.
Select a megatrend to focus on. You may address a cluster of
trends but take care to not make your report too cluttered. This report is a
blend of academic and business writing. The emphasis is on demonstrating a
sophisticated understanding of leadership in the project context.
Your report should:
• briefly inform the reader about the mega trend (no more
than 10 to 15% of the report) • identify the relevance to project leadership
• identify any challenges or implications for project
leaders in responding to the megatrend
• discuss and analyse
project leadership practices, skills & knowledge and identify any deficits
or strengths in the current workforce being adequately able to respond to the
• present a skills
gap and propose actions, training, education etc to help close any gap or ways
to leverage any strengths that you may identify
• conclude with a dot point list of the major
recommendations for action
You are free to design your own structure however the above
dot points would be a useful way to approach your report layout.
You may use appendices if you need. Headings, citations,
references and appendices will not count towards your overall word limit. While
we will be reasonable in how we gauge your word usage, please endeavour to remain
under the upper limit of 3000 words.
This report should be an objective and professional document
that draws upon academic, professional and other high-quality sources to
substantiate the logical perspective you take on your selected megatrend. You
are aiming for professional publication quality (not peer reviewed academic
journal and not a personal opinion piece). You are expected to cite your
sources in this assignment using SCU Harvard.
Your audience is the wider project profession including
those senior organisational members accountable for projects.

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