Posted: June 6th, 2022

The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, and consider the various details associated with the theories they support.

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Review the video in this week, RSA Animate – Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, and consider the various details associated with the theories they support.

Part 1: Motivation Theory Assessment
After your review of our textbook, related articles, and the Dan Pink RS Animate video, discuss the motivational theory that you believe best explains and predicts individual employee motivation. Be sure to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your preferred theory.
Compare and contrast your preferred motivational theory with the data presented and the conclusions drawn by Dan Pink in the video RS Animate. Do Pink’s conclusions support or challenge your preferred theory? Are Pink’s arguments and conclusions still relevant today? (His book/video is more than 10 years old). Explain why or why not relevant. Part 2: Developing a Set of Recommendations to Improve Employee Motivation
Given your review of our textbook, related articles, and the Dan Pink video, apply the concepts/theories and analyze your current organization (or a prior organization where you have been employed) with the goal of producing a practical, actionable set of recommendations to improve employee motivation. Some “guiding” questions to answer in the process of that analysis and recommendation development:
1.What challenge and obstacles have you experienced or observed at your organization (or, a prior organization)?
2.How active, engaged, and concerned are Senior Leadership and Managers with employee motivation?
3.What role, if any, does organizational structure play relative to employee motivation?
4.Recognizing that your access to company/organization information may be limited, do your best (based upon what you do know) to identify and explain what you believe are the causes behind the challenges and obstacles to improving employee motivation. What are your concrete recommendations for overcoming these challenges and obstacles in order to improve employee motivation? How will the following likely influence/impact the implementation and success of your recommendations:
The organizational culture
The receptivity of Senior leaders and Managers
Employee acceptance of any potential changes required by your recommendations
Here are the minimum requirements for the assignment:
This is expected to be 5 – 7 pages (excluding the Title Page and Reference Page). Ensure the paper is typed, double-spaced, and enumerated on the top right corner in the margin with 1″ margins on all sides. Please use Times New Roman, 12-point font. In addition, submit the final copy as a .doc, not .pdf. Do not submit an Abstract. You must include a Title and Reference Page
All sources must be cited in APA format within the reference page and in-text citations
Submit your paper to have it checked for any plagiarism issues
The current edition of the APA is the guiding manual for form and style for this Each student is expected to find relevant, recent, and credible research.

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