Posted: June 4th, 2022

Your team members have other responsibilities within the company. What is the project manager’s role in ensuring the project is progressing according to the schedule established?

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Your team members have other responsibilities within the company. What is the project manager’s role in ensuring the project is progressing according to the schedule established?
Hello Instructor Chapman and classmates,
A network diagram is a set of activities created with a schedule that connects to those individuals in charge of the activities. When the tasks are completed, the actions or commissions can be removed or checked off the list (Gido J., Clements J., & Baker R, 2017).
I have researched two software that I feel can be useful and supportive of in-network diagraming. The two software are Click Up and QuickBase. Both programs have agile methodologies, budget management, collaboration tools, timeline view, idea management, milestone tracking, and portfolio management. Click Up shows a pricing list for a year or monthly, but QuickBase does not show any pricing but has a free demo.
QuickBase has fewer descriptions and shows off the software unless someone signs up for a demonstration. According to QuickBase (2022), it supports Sprint, Columbia, and Lucid devices. QuickBase also connects with the office and outside the office and complies with the industries and IT. Due to a free demo, I feel that they will push to purchase. I do not want to be made into anything I think I must have. When registering for the demo, they will use personal information as well.
I feel that Quick Up would be the ideal software due to the upfront pricing and that it can be used for personal, small teams, medium teams, multiple teams, and large teams. Personal use is free, and they will not charge an individual. The Click Up provides checklist and time management solutions to help get the job tasks completed. According to Click Up (2022), reviews that the management tool is easy to use and customizable. I need something easy to navigate and organize tasks such as the luncheon. Easier access and less time I need to worry about how to use software are the best ones for me to use, in my opinion.
Thank you,
April Ellis
Click Up. (2022). All your projects in one place.
Gido J., Clements J., & Baker R. (2017). Successful Project Management. [Bookshelf Ambassadored].
QuickBase. (2022). Project Management Solutions. QuickBase.

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