Posted: June 4th, 2022

Explain the impact(s) of the US withdrawal from the TPP on the relationship between NAFTA/USMCA members. For instance, if the United States is no more a member of the TPP, have they increased the level of their trade between the US and Canada/Mexico?

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US, Canada & Mexico are members of NAFTA (USMCA today). Also, the three countries where members of TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). The US withdrew its membership in 2017.
By reviewing the following link, you get the general public opinion about the TPP, reasons that TPP is not yet enforced, what actions resulted in forming the CPTPP, and the United States’s reasons to exit the TPP:
Trans-Pacific Partnership
Your task on this assignment is to:
1-Explain the impact(s) of the US withdrawal from the TPP on the relationship between NAFTA/USMCA members.
For instance, if the United States is no more a member of the TPP, have they increased the level of their trade between the US and Canada/Mexico? Will there be a plan to change the level of trade among USMCA members as the result of the US withdrawal from TPP?
2-Furthermore, the remaining TPP members formed a new trading bloc called CPTPP. By reviewing the above link, what is your perspective of the future of trades between Canada, Mexico (as members of CPTPP) with the US (a non-member of CPTPP)? Will the two countries of Canada and Mexico restrict their level of trade with the United States due to CPTPP? Would they increase it? Why? explain your reasons.

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