Posted: June 6th, 2022

1- Why should marketing planning be an activity that should involve the entire organization. Specify the roles of various functions within the organization.

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1- Why should marketing planning be an activity that should involve the entire organization. Specify the roles of various functions within the organization.
2- Describe the marketing concept. What companies in the marketplace might be described as “customer-focused? Provide specific examples to support your company choice.
3- What are differentiation, positioning, and targeting (segmentation)? Pick one of the following companies and describe their differential, positioning, and targeting strategies: Walmart, IKEA, Target, Southwest Airlines, Apple, Disney.
4- Suppose a marketing manager first develops an advertising campaign before the marketing strategy. How could this potentially create problems for the product?
5- What are the tradeoffs between all the kinds of research described in this chapter (types of qualitative and quantitative)? ( chapter 3)
Suppose you worked for a small startup company with a small research budget. Which of these kinds of research would be the most valuable?
6- Other than forecasting sales, what other uses are there for forecasting methods?
7- Think of a product or service that is mass marketed and one that focuses on one or more particular segments. How does the development of marketing strategy differ in the two cases?
8- What are the challenges in marketing products that are highly seasonal? Pick some examples to illustrate.

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