Posted: June 8th, 2022

What motivated you to accept your current leadership role?

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Your response should be 250+ words in length.
For this discussion, you will share what you learned in a leader interview. The length of your interview should be 10 minutes.
Choosing a leader: Pick someone you can gain access to before this assignment becomes due. For this assignment, a leader is someone who currently leads and influences others in a formal job role. He or she will have a team to lead. This is an interview, so you will not rely on your past experiences with the leader.
Interview Question Pool: These are suggestions; you can add or subtract from the list, but have a list of five questions for the interview.
What motivated you to accept your current leadership role?
How do you understand what your team members need from you?
What advice would you share with someone who is new to a leadership role?
How do you handle disagreement with your boss or coworkers?
Task: Post your interview report. Tell me the name of your leader and his/her leadership position.

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