Posted: June 8th, 2022

The philosophical worldview that most closely aligns with the writer’s perspective and how he views problems in the world is the pragmatism philosophical worldview.

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Please answer the two post below. 250 Words each and two references. One reference has to be biblical integration. Post 1:
The philosophical worldview that most closely aligns with the writer’s perspective and how he views problems in the world is the pragmatism philosophical worldview. This research philosophy most aligns with the writer due mostly to the training that he received in the military. The Army has taught him to attack problems head-on by any means necessary because a persistent problem will be harder to deal with in the long run. This has carried over to the civilian side of life by not letting problems get out of hand. He was once told that before you can solve a problem, you must understand the problem that is presented. The writer has been called pragmatic in the past because he mostly uses unorthodox ways to solve problems and problem-solving skills that do not align with society. K and Walsh (2019) stated that researchers who employ pragmatics evaluate versions of reality according to how well their choices lead to the desired or anticipated results. Basically, the writers see this as a “whatever works the best will get the job done” type of thinking and takes pride in having the ability to think outside the box when it comes to problem-solving.
Connection Between Philosophical Worldview and Research Methodology
The philosophical perspective is the genesis of our interaction with the surrounding context, including how we approach research. Having an optimistic worldview as a researcher, for instance, will help me focus more on the quantitative methods in research, which influence observations and facts (Ghiara, 2019). Yet, attention should be directed to comprehending the details of the philosophical worldview as there might be associated research limitations. According to Alase (2017), having this logic can eradicate the negative aspects of research. In order to deal with real issues during research, as an optimistic researcher, I should consider the values of the community where my research approach is directed. It is argued that eliminating values in research is problematic and is likely to diminish the research purpose. My research approach can be more holistic through a pragmatic approach, focusing on what is best for the research than a general methodology (Ghiara, 2019).
Philosophical and Christian Worldview
The Christian perception starts with an indication of values and credence that the Scripture is the unfailing work of God, guiding all that we say, do, and even believe (Glas, 2021). Based on the Scripture, the physical world we live in is an outcome or real creation (NIV – Gen 1:1-20), and humans are created according to God’s desired image (NIV – Gen 1:26). In this aspect, a positive worldview can align with this idea of the world being created but would only disprove faith contexts because it remains hidden (Glas, 2021). On the contrary, constructionism would discount the physical realm, focusing more on the metaphysical ideals under which faith is constructed. Pos-positivism and realism offer credibility to the pragmatic aspects surrounding the physical realm and the value of the hidden elements that seem to keep humanity aligned. Yet, both results in discord by changing the nature of knowledge and morality.
Alase, A. (2017). The interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA): A guide to a good qualitative research approach. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 5(2), 9. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.5n.2p.9
Ghiara, V. (2019). Disambiguating the role of paradigms in mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(1), 11-25. doi:10.1177/1558689818819928
Glas, G. (2021). Models of integration of Christian worldview and psychiatry. Christianity and Psychiatry, 163-180. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80854-9_12
Kaushik, V., & Walsh, C. A. (2019). Pragmatism as a Research Paradigm and Its Implications for Social Work Research. Social Sciences, 8(9), 255. MDPI.
Post 2:
The philosophical worldview that most closely aligns with my perspective is pragmatism. Out of the other worldviews, pragmatism most closely fits my perspective in that it has several characteristics that I agree with more than the others. Some of those qualities include, “seek a middle ground between philosophical dogmatism and skepticism, generally prefer more moderate and commonsense versions of philosophical dualisms based on how well they work in solving problems, place high regard on the reality of, and influence of, the inner world of human experience in action, justification comes in the form of what Dewey called ‘warranted assertability’, knowledge is viewed as being both constructed and based on the reality of the world we experience and live in, human enquiry: we all try out things to see what works, what solves problems, and what helps us to survive, prefer action to philosophizing and perhaps the most like characteristic: I take an explicitly value‐oriented approach to research that is derived from cultural values; specifically endorses shared values such as democracy, freedom, equality, and progress,” (Robsen, C. & McCartan, K., 2016).
Understanding how worldviews and methodology connect will assist my approach in acting as a guide toward the balancing of both concepts in order to infuse a philosophical view into my research. Having the understanding of philosophical worldview and research methodology provides a sort of structure as to keep my research on task (methodology) in the wake of having philosophical moments. Understanding the two opens a two-way avenue where I can potentially create a union between my philosophic thoughts and methodology to produce scholarly work with depth. “To ensure the intricacies, nuances and insights of real-world experiences and perspectives of the issues relating to well-being and vulnerable people, and problems relating to services in general, there is a need to adopt innovative research methodologies,” (Dodds, S. (Links to an external site.) and Hess, A.C. (Links to an external site.), 2021) and I think a fusion between a pragmatic worldview and methodology would be just the innovation needed. The Christian worldview and philosophical worldview are quite compatible, but how one interprets his or her philosophical thoughts is key. The root of a philosophical worldview is, “being, given to, or marked by deep thinking especially about fundamental questions of the world…one who is introspective, self-reflective, somber, analytic, logical, rational, purposeful, abstracted, meditative,” (Merriam-Webster Inc., 2022). Therefore, one’s inner thoughts will drive their philosophical worldview. The Bible clearly states, “for when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another,” (Romans 2:14-15, Holman, 2012). Keller & Alsdorf explain this scripture by stating, “people have innate consciences that are preloaded with senses of honesty, justice, love, the Golden Rule, and so on. People know at some deep level that there is a God…,” (Keller & Alsdorf, 2014). Thus, one’s philosophical worldview can be influenced by a Christian worldview, but each individual has a choice as to which inner reflections he or she will allow to guide them; reflections based on what was in the heart to begin with or those that have been influenced by outside factors. References
Holman King James Version Study Bible, (2012). Holman Bible Publishers, Inc., Nashville, TN
Dodds, S. (Links to an external site.) and Hess, A.C. (Links to an external site.) (2021), “Adapting research methodology during COVID-19: lessons for transformative service research”, Journal of Service Management (Links to an external site.), (Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 203-217). (Links to an external site.)
Keller, T., & Alsdorf, K.L., (2014). Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work, Penguin Random House
Merriam Webster Inc., (2022), Philosophic. In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from
Robsen, C. & McCartan, K., (2016). Real World Research (4th Ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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