Posted: June 7th, 2022

Developing team leadership by explaining how charismatic and transformational leadership may benefit the organization.

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The past 7 weeks, we learned about Leadership to demonstrate your understanding. The signature assignment will pull together the assignments for each week and you will submit a paper that addresses the following.
You own a consulting firm specializing in the development of organizational leadership. You have been hired by a corporation to help them improve their leadership team by doing the following:
1. Identifying individual leaders by explaining what leadership skills are needed; their traits and ethics, leadership behavior and motivation, influencing power, politics, networking, and negotiation traits leaders possess. (400 words minimum).
2. Developing team leadership by explaining how charismatic and transformational leadership may benefit the organization. (400 words minimum).
3. Explaining the importance of leadership of culture, ethics, and diversity and how to improve this within the organization. (400 words minimum).
The total word count for this paper is 1200 words which is approximately 3.5 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. The cover page and the reference page is extra, so your paper should be a total of 7.5 pages minimum. The paper must be submitted on Sunday at the end of week 9.

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