Posted: June 8th, 2022

Reflection Paper Assignment: Identify one (1) major issue facing the global community that is global in scale, briefly summarize the issue, and how it impacts and may impact managers and businesses

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Reflection Paper Assignment: Identify one (1) major issue facing the global community that is global in scale, briefly summarize the issue, and how it impacts and may impact managers and businesses. Please include citations from any supporting articles.
It is recommended that the first paragraph clearly identifies which globalization issue you are examining. Possible topics include rising nationalism, tariff issues, energy policies, global warming, balance of trade inequalities, supply chain disruptions, or other global issues. Please include data to illustrate why the topic you selected is a global issue. It is recommended that the second paragraph describe the currently documented impacts of the global issue you selected, such as political unrest, changes in energy prices, current trade balances, or the impact of disrupted supply chains. It is recommended that the third paragraph explain what the potential future impacts of the global issue you selected may be.
Please be sure the paper is well-written, double-spaced with one (1) inch margins, Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font, at least two (2) pages long, excluding title page and reference page, and no more than three (3) pages long not counting the title page and reference page. The paper should conform to APA style and does not need to include an abstract. Sources should be cited properly in the paper and referenced properly on a separate reference page. The textbook is often a good reference and source for citation. Please be sure spelling and grammar are correct. You may want to download the free version of Grammarly at or other grammar-checking software to help with your writing. These instructions follow the required format for papers in this course, including the title page and reference page. The grading rubric will be based on the above outline, including citations, references, format, and grammar and spelling.
Friedman, T. L., and Wyman, O. (2021). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of The Twenty-First Century. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

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