Posted: June 11th, 2022

Germany’s and Japan’s labor movements

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Main Task Essay question relating to negotiation in Industrial Relations
Please address the following in connection with the Main Task:
• The diversity of international unionized movements in terms of their political and economic
• Germany’s and Japan’s labor movements
• Acceptance and avoidance union strategies than can be adopted by management
• Critically appreciate negotiation styles, strategies and tactics
• Identify and create alternative negotiation strategies and tactics – own and of the other party
Credit will be given for evidence of:
Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.
Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.
Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to support statements with evidence.
A logical structure and well-argued conclusion.
Other details:
• Font size Arial, 12
• Double-spaced
• Number of words: 1,500 words
All refencing and citations require Harvard referencing style.

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