Posted: June 15th, 2022

Just as strategic managers must analyze and assess the external environment of the organization, the same holds true from an internal perspective.

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Just as strategic managers must analyze and assess the external environment of the organization, the same holds true from an internal perspective. This internal lens is largely focused on determining the organization’s core competencies: unique, integrated, organization-specific competencies that allow the organization to provide better products/service at equal or lesser cost. These competencies can take the form of resources, capabilities or activities.
Another tool in the strategic manager’s arsenal is the VRIO Framework. This analytic is one way to break down a firm’s resources in terms of relative value, rarity, cost to imitate and ability to organize those resources. Value chain analysis can also be insightful in assessing the various internal activities an organization engages in as they transfer resources into products and services. This form of analysis can be extremely helpful in identifying opportunities to reduce costs and improve profitability.
Perhaps the most widely applied internal analytic tool is the SWOT Analysis, wherein the strategic manager analyzes the firm’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The payoff from a well-conducted SWOT Analysis is found in assisting the organization in leveraging its internal strengths to exploit external opportunities while minimizing the firm’s weaknesses and external threats.
Complete a VRIO Framework and SWOT Analysis on Empire State College –
Add diagrams for SWOT and VRIO if necessary.

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