Posted: June 16th, 2022

Introduction to Information Systems. Rainer & Prince 9th Edition ISBN#9781-11976-1464

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1. The Research Paper will consist of not less than 10 pages (standard double-spaced with 1-inch margins all around) of TEXT in length (Title Pages, Tables of Content, figures, pictures, graphs, and references will not be counted as text. Title Page is required. Table of Contents is not required; an Abstract is required.) 2. Use only 12-point Times New Roman font on your papers.
1. There will be at least eight (8) outside references used (the textbook does not count as one). In other words, you will have to do some research to back up your conclusions. Papers will be consistent with the APA style manual format.
2. An author must be a person and the date is the year of publication.
3. Sources without an author and/or date should not be used.
4. If References or citations are omitted from the paper 40% will be deducted.
5. Sources without an author (person) and a date (year of publication) will not be accepted.
All works and illustrations used in your paper must be cited; this means crediting the source where you found the information you used to support your work. If you fail to give credit for copyrighted information you present as your own work; that constitutes plagiarism and will be penalized by a zero for the project. This includes any paper that you may have written and submitted in any other class for a grade. ALL statements of fact MUST be supported by references and citations.
Introduction to Information Systems. Rainer & Prince 9th Edition

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