Posted: June 16th, 2022

soft skills/transferable skills/professional skills in the workplace.

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You are to write a minimum 400 word discussion board response on soft skills/transferable skills/professional skills in the workplace. You will need to tell me what soft skills are; why they are important; and why so many people are missing these necessary skills today. You will need to name and describe at least 5 soft skills needed in the work force.
You must have at least three sources (references) properly cited within your DB post. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a source. Make sure you list your references at the end of your post.
Use complete sentences when writing. Always capitalize the word “I” and all derivatives of the word “I”. Do not use contractions in academic and professional writing.
Respond to one of your fellow students with at least 50 words in your response.
For the Word Research Project, it is easier to create it in a WORD document, save it, then upload it (browse computer) to the Discussion Board.

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