Posted: June 17th, 2022

In business many of the legal liabilities, ethical codes, contract duties, business culture, progressive discipline, leadership structures and other business policies and relationships are linked to and come out of employee handbooks.

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In business many of the legal liabilities, ethical codes, contract duties, business culture, progressive discipline, leadership structures and other business policies and relationships are linked to and come out of employee handbooks. Therefore the employee handbook often provides an instructive example of overall business law concepts and relationships. However, due to the sensitive information and proprietary nature of the employee handbook many firms consider them to be confidential and they are only shared within the organization.
For this learning module discussion students are to conduct their own research and review a available employee handbook. Be sure that you share the link and source from where you obtained your information. Be sure to take special note of the legal terms and concepts used through out the employee handbook. Take time to look up and define any legal words that you are not sure of their definitions or legal use in the handbook.
One key aspect of the long term success of businesses has been attributed to how employees are treated and valued. The video below looks at how some companies have expressed their value for employees. An employee handbook can be a great starting point for understanding a business’s perspective on the role of their employees. Additionally, many employee handbooks are designed to give guidance and to prepare for common legal issues that may be faced in that workplace.
“An employee handbook is an important communication tool between you and your employees. A well-written handbook sets forth your expectations for your employees, and describes what they can expect from your company. It also should describe your legal obligations as an employer, and your employees’ rights.”
You may
For this discussion each student will review an employee handbook that is available to the public. Please note do NOT use an employee handbook that is not readily accessible for the public. Many businesses consider their employee handbooks to be confidential. Please respect that as you select a handbook to review. Be sure that you include a link or citation to where you found the employee handbook.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the sources of law. (New required SLO)
Describe and explain dispute resolution and the court systems in the United States. (New required SLO)
Describe the purposes and functions of business law as is exemplified in employee handbooks.
Instructions and points:
PART 1: Student’s Post (25 points)
Look up an Employee Handbook. There are many companies that make theirs available on the Internet. (Examples Disney, Nordstrom, Zappos, Marriott, Motley Fool, Etc….)
1. In 2 to 3 paragraphs:
a. Describe the company or organization and give an overall review of the Employee Handbook (15 pts)
b. Identify and describe at least 3 business laws that are included or addressed in the handbook: for example these may include Hostile Work Environment, Sexual Harassment, Religious Accommodation, Disability, Discrimination, Retaliation and Reporting procedures, At will employment, Equal Pay, Employee Monitoring and Privacy. (10 pts)
PART 2: Peer Responses (20 points)
Please read your classmates’ postings and respond to at least TWO of them. There is a required minimum of 3 sentences or more per response. This is how we generate discussion in the on-line environment.
Your aim is to add value to the discussion. Responses such as “Good answer,” or “I agree” will not be awarded credit.
Be sure that your primary post and your two peer responses are grammatically correct and are written in complete sentences. Therefore, check to make sure that you use proper grammar, initialization and a professional tone in all of your postings.
PART 3: Sources and Citations (5 points)
Include a link or citation to the employee handbook – (5 pts.)
In a professional and academic setting it is always important to give credit to your sources. Moreover, it helps prevent allegations of plagiarism or academic dishonesty. It reminds students of where they got information and helps to return to it later. Citing sources is important not only for direct quotes, paraphrasing and ideas, but as reference to resources and general background to a topic. Also, it adds to your credibility in demonstrating research and support for your ideas and conclusions.

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