Posted: June 21st, 2022

Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a reco

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Write a 250 to 300-word response to your classmate. Your reply must make a recommendation to your classmate of a peer-reviewed journal article that provides additional information on their topic. In your response, you should give a summary of the article in your own words and discuss why it is relevant to their forum topic. It must be different from than articles they reference in their forum. Include an APA formatted citation at the bottom of the reply.
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The last few decades have seen a great deal of change when it comes to the nature of work and the workplace environment in itself. Several factors have been deemed responsible for driving these changes, however, the recent COVID-19 pandemic seems to have accelerated drastic changes in the nature of work like no other. This research paper examined the pandemic’s effect on the work place and what the future of work looks like. Several credible sources related to the topic were analyzed for this study. Findings from the different sources reviewed revealed that the post COVID-19 workplace has radically changed worldwide for many private and public organizations. For instance, one study found that the recent pandemic fast-tracked many new ways of working and these changes could have significant consequences for many organizations. All sources reviewed predicted that the future of work will continue to evolve and there is a lot of work to be done from a management standpoint as organizations strive to adapt to the future of work trends.
Keywords: Workplace Transformation, Future of Work, Hybrid, Digital, Work From Home, Telework, Remote work, COVID-19 or Pandemic, Technology, General Z, Human Resource Development, Demographic, Workforce, Employees, Workers, Great Resignation
Pandemic Effects on Work Place Transformation and the Future of Work Introduction
There has been a tremendous amount of change in the nature of work over the last few decades resulting in an increased interest to study what the future of work will look like for many organizations. The concept of the future of work tries to define and encapsulate how the workplace environment, workforces, and the work itself will evolve over the next couple of years. While there are several factors that have been considered responsible for the ever changing nature of work, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to have significantly accelerated drastic changes in the future of work like no other factor before. This research paper examined the pandemic’s effect on the work place and what the future of work looks like. Research findings from multiple sources seem to confirm that the pandemic is responsible for significantly fast-tracking various trends in the future of work(Aroles et al., 2021; Ng et al., 2021; Pataki-Bittó & Kapusy, 2021; Rachmawati et al., 2021; Selimović et al., 2021;Varma et al., 2022). The subsequent discussion below highlights some of the pandemic related workplace transformations.
Current Trends
Major studies suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only led to enormous digital advancements affecting the future of work but also the pandemic fast-tracked the acceptance of technologically enhanced workplace environments in several business sectors. For example, one study describing workplace changes before and during the pandemic in Indonesia provides statistical evidence indicating that work from home activities increased significantly; 60% of the study respondents considered teleworking as a positive trend with many benefits; and 70% of the respondents said the use of technology improved their ability to perform their work from any location( Rachmawati et al., 2021). Based upon the evidence above, Rachmawati et al.(2021) conclude that the lesson learned from the pandemic is that the future of work will definitely include increased use of technology and more teleworking(p.15). Rachmawati et al.(2021)’s argument above is reiterated by another study that indicates that worldwide pandemic restrictive rules such as the lockdown measures imposed by many governments not only forced several institutions to adopt new methods of doing work using technology but these measures also helped advance the adoption of the remote workplace environment(Aroles et al.,2021).
Overall, most of the studies seem to indicate that the pandemic is set to have enduring management concerns that need to be addressed to align the future workforce with the changing nature of work. For instance, one study attempting to examine what the post pandemic workforce will likely value the most found that values such as work life balance, hybrid work schedules, and hybrid workplaces are becoming more treasured by post pandemic employees especially the Generation Z demographic born between 1997 and 2012 (Pataki-Bittó & Kapusy, 2021). This is definitely a huge management concern and in confirmation of Pataki-Bittó & Kapusy (2021)’s finding above, authors Ng et al. (2021) in their study to examine if the Covid-19 pandemic fast-tracked the future of work found that due to the changing nature of work especially the great resignation, several organizations have indefinitely switched to hybrid schedules and workplaces as several workers were no longer interested in reverting to their previous work schedules and traditional office settings(p.3).
Future Research
Future predictions indicate several management concerns as organizations strive to adapt to the changing nature of work. Pataki-Bittó & Kapusy (2021) state that their findings are based on a Hungarian sample and the Generation Z demographic and cannot be generalized; however future research should include more geographical locations as well as examine the post pandemic workplace values for other generational demographics(p.166). Rachmawati et al.(2021) believe that teleworking needs to be incorporated in the future of work as it has several benefits to urban environmental management and planning; however, to validate their results, future research using more data samples should be conducted in the aftermath of the pandemic as their study was conducted during the course of the pandemic(p.15).
Ng et al. (2021) adds that the future of work remains unknown post-pandemic and with surges in hybrid workplaces, future research should examine the impact of teleworking on individual workers (p.6). Selimović et al. (2021) believe their study has vital managerial suggestions through initiating increased digital skills and eloquence to improve employee performance; however future research should be expanded to other sectors because their research focused on the financial service sector(p.7). Varma et al.(2022) conclude that with the changing nature of work, teleworking is here to stay; workers under the pandemic had diverse work settings and consequently diverse human resource development needs that future research should investigate so that the right human resource development programs are customized to those needs(p.227).
Aroles, J., Cecez-Kecmanovic, D., Dale, K., Kingma, S. F., & Mitev, N. (2021). New ways of working (NWW): Workplace transformation in the Digital age. Information and Organization, 31(4), 1–11.
Ng, M. A., Naranjo, A., Schlotzhauer, A. E., Shoss, M. K., Kartvelishvili, N., Bartek, M., Ingraham, K., Rodriguez, A., Schneider, S. K., Silverlieb-Seltzer, L., & Silva, C. (2021). Has the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the future of work or changed its course? implications for research and Practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 1–28.
Pataki-Bittó, F., & Kapusy, K. (2021). Work environment transformation in the post covid-19 based on work values of the future workforce. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 23(3), 151–169.
Rachmawati, R., Choirunnisa, U., Pambagyo, Z. A., Syarafina, Y. A., & Ghiffari, R. A. (2021). Work from home and the use of ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia and its impact on cities in the future. Sustainability, 13(12), 1–17.
Selimović, J., Pilav-Velić, A., & Krndžija, L. (2021). Digital Workplace Transformation in the financial service sector: Investigating the relationship between employees’ expectations and intentions. Technology in Society, 66, 1–8.
Varma, A., Jaiswal, A., Pereira, V., & Kumar, Y. L. (2022). Leader-member exchange in the age of remote work. Human Resource Development International, 25(2), 219–230.

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