Posted: June 24th, 2022

Analyzing Internal Health Care Staffing Needs

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4202: Analyzing Internal Health Care Staffing Needs
Overview: 4 pages (1,100 words)
At least 6 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal. (Any listed sources
can be used.)
APA7. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
· Address the scenario’s
nurse staffing issues and challenges in a 3-4 page workforce plan with
recommendations to Vila Health’s HR Director.
· For this assessment, you
will address the HRM health care challenge of staffing issues and challenges
with nurses in a workforce plan to Vila Health’s HR Director. Vila Health is
currently offering advancement into open positions for experienced nurses to be
clinical managers and patient advocates. Both roles are critical in health care
settings and Vila Health is challenged by a shortage of nurses in these roles
requiring specialized skills. You’re being asked to make recommendations to
meet the strategic organizational goals for talent needs.
· Introduction
o Health
care delivery is a complicated and challenging process. The field of health
care has many different professional occupations that have varied levels of
educational and clinical preparation. The key to health care delivery at many
different levels of care is nursing. Whether in a private practice, small
clinic, or a large medical organization, nurses are principal health care
providers and have a broad set of skills. Nurses are directly involved in
assessment, diagnosis, outcomes planning, implementation, and evaluation of
care (Fried, 2015).
· HRM Health Care Challenge
o Vila
Health is a large health care organization with major facilities throughout the
East Coast region of the U.S. Vila Health’s strategic goals are:
1. Improve the health care
outcomes for clients by thoroughly providing high-quality health care.
2. Improve client experience
through increased access to high-quality service and contact with professional
staff who are sensitive to patient care needs.
3. Expand and improve
partnerships with serviced communities.
4. Expand and improve care
coordination to appropriately address client health care needs and
5. Support the improvement
of health and wellness of our clients through enhancements in quality, access,
and operational effectiveness.
6. Strengthen and sustain a high-performing
and committed workforce through the engagement and competence of clinical
7. Optimize the use of
discipline-based technologies (HRIS, engagement and recruiting platforms) to
support business initiatives. o Currently,
there are more than 150 professionally educated nursing employees in the
following overpopulated fields: emergency nurse, diabetes nurse, dermatology
nurse, critical care nurse, domestic violence nurse, gastroenterology-endoscopy
nurse, and genetics nurse. Vila Health is currently offering advancement into
four open positions for experienced nurses to be clinical managers and patient
advocates. All four advancement opportunities require developmental experience
after selection, and both roles offer greater compensation than any of the
fields eligible to apply. Both exempt roles are further defined as follows and
may have varying work schedules and some travel:
1. Clinical nurse manager: A
nurse manager holds a mid-level position within a health care organization,
making sure its goals and mission are carried out in day-to-day operations.
They lead, guide, and support other nurses so they can provide the best care.
2. Patient nurse advocate:
In a nurse advocate role, you’ll be the liaison between patients and doctors,
to help patients understand their diagnosis and make the best decisions. You’ll
be working hands-on, directly with patients.
· Instructions
o Using
course resources and your own research, address the nurse staffing issues and
challenges in a workforce plan to Vila Health’s HR Director and include the
1. Explain why the vacant
positions in this scenario are important to Vila Health.
· How can recruitment
practices support short- and long-term workforce goals?
2. Analyze the staffing
challenges faced by HR in this scenario.
· What are some ways HR
professionals can manage talent shortages and the requirements of specialized
skills for health care workers? 3. Explain the contributions
technology offers to support this staffing challenge.
Recommend approaches
to address the internal staffing challenge in this scenario.

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