Posted: June 27th, 2022

Watch the PBS Frontline Video: “The Man Who Knew.” 1 hr. 26 minutes.

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Watch the PBS Frontline Video: “The Man Who Knew.” 1 hr. 26 minutes.

This video describes the story of one man within the context of the FBI’s organizational culture. You will need to review the PPT to answer the questions.
Answer each the following questions after watching the video. Yes/No is not adequate. Explain your answers thoroughly using the video and the theory in the PPT.
How would you describe the organizational culture of the FBI?
What characteristics of bureaucracies described in the PP do you see in the video?
How did O’Neill “create a problem” for the FBI?
As a public manager, would you have agreed with those who thought O’Neill was a maverick?
Did you think O’Neill was treated fairly?
How did you feel about O’Neill’s violations of policy? Do you think it was a problem that O’Neill didn’t always do things the “FBI way?”
As a public manager, how could you balance innovation and creativity with efficiency, responsibility, transparency, and accountability when it comes to your staff?
In hindsight, is there a role for people like O’Neill in the public sector? What are the pros and cons of a person like O’Neill from a managerial perspective?
What happens when bureaucracies are too regimented?
Can you describe some of the power plays/jealousies among individuals and agencies described in the video?
Using the PP, would you say O’Neill’s bosses believed in Theory X or Theory Y? (See PP)
How can you assist your employees in reaching their full potential as described in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need? (See PP)
Do you think 9/11 could have been avoided if the FBI had had a “flatter” bureaucracy? What major government organization was formed after 9/11 as the result of the poor communications?

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