Posted: June 30th, 2022

organizational justice based on scientific research.

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In this assignment, I am asked to reflect on the topic of organizational justice based
on scientific research. Please address the following questions:
1) describe the concept of organizational justice with its different aspects in
2) Please describe a situation that involved you leading (leader of leaders) somebody else where you
had to deal with the topic of organizational justice. Describe in what aspects your
employees felt to be treated unfairly. Critically reflect on this situation: How did you
get to your decision, what were criteria for you? What were the consequences of
your decision? How did you deal with the perceived unfairness of your employees?
3) Now with some distance to the situation: do you think you could / should have
acted differently? Please describe a different way you could have acted that would
probably have been more effective and acceptable for your employees. Also, make
a reference to the concept of organizational justice and describe which aspect of
fairness would be in the foreground with your alternative behavior
Scientific Literature to get you started:
Aryee, S., Budhwar, P., and Chen, Z. (2002), ‘Trust as a Mediator of the Relationship
Between Organizational Justice and Work Outcomes: Test of a Social Exchange Model,’
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 267–285.
Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: a construct validation of
a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(3), 386.
Karam, E. P., Hu, J., Davison, R. B., Juravich, M., Nahrgang, J. D., Humphrey, S. E., & Scott
DeRue, D. (2019). Illuminating the ‘face’of justice: A meta‐analytic examination of leadership
and organizational justice. Journal of Management Studies, 56(1), 134-171.
Adams, J.S. (1963). Towards an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal and Social
Psychology, 67(5), 422–436.
The assignment will be evaluated based on the following aspects:
Understanding of the Models and Theories included in your answers: Is the model
and theory presented correctly and in detail?
Reflection: Does the text show signs of an appropriate reflection of the situation
presented in response to question 3 (looking at the problem from different
perspectives; referring to scientific literature, appropriate action plan for similar
situations in the future)
Relevant literature: Is relevant scientific literature identified? Are references to
relevant scientific literature included? Is evidence and justification for claims
provided? Are correct references for all sources used?
 Verbal expression: Is academic, formal, and precise language used?
Are scientific
terms used correctly?
Formal presentation: Is the text structured in a clear manner. Are additional elements
(e.g., tables, graphs, lists) used for clarification?

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