Posted: July 3rd, 2022

Choose an organization with which you are familiar-one that you have worked in or patronized or one that has received extensive coverage in the popular press.

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Chapter 9
Choose an organization with which you are familiar-one that you have worked in or patronized or one that has received
extensive coverage in the popular press. The organization should be involved in only one industry or business. Answer these questions about the organization:
1. What is the output of the organization?
2. Describe the value chain activities that the organization uses to produce this output.
3. What product attributes do customers of the organization desire?
4. Try to identify improvements that might be made to the organization’s value chain to boost its responsiveness to customers, quality,
efficiency, and innovation.
Textbook link: Building Management Skills (
Include Reference listed
Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2022). Contemporary management. McGraw-Hill Education.

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