Posted: July 4th, 2022

Appreciative Inquiry is a four-step process conducted in the present of envisioning the future that fosters improved performance and positive relationships.

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Appreciative Inquiry is a four-step process conducted in the present of envisioning the future that fosters improved performance and positive relationships. This process is based on positive memory from the past:
DISCOVER Recall a moment in your life when you felt the happiest, the most successful and the most fulfilled. Picture it. Describe it—what was it, what were the surroundings, who were the witnesses to your moment of glory? What was the weather? Where were you? What did you do to get yourself to this moment? How did you feel? What conditions were present? Why did you feel so happy, successful and fulfilled? What worked well for you then? Who was there and to whom was it that you could not wait to describe this achievement/experience?
DREAM: Answer the following questions: What would you want to happen in the future so that your feelings of fulfillment, success, and happiness could be repeated but with a fresh, future outcome? What is your professional dream? What would you want to achieve?
DESIGN: What specific planning and prioritizing do you need to do to get to your dream? Make a detailed list.
DELIVER: What steps (tactics) you would need to take to ensure the implementation (execution) of your proposed design? List all the major steps for each and every item from your list composed in step three of this Appreciate Inquiry process (DESIGN).
Now you are ready to write down your mission, vision, and values statements based on your personal Appreciative Inquiry process that you have just experienced. Please use your prior experience, and the knowledge from this week’s readings to start your work. Your vision will be described in step two, your mission in steps three and four and you will have uncovered a lot of your values by reflecting on your responses in step number one, especially looking at your answers to the question of how you felt, why, and with whom you wanted to share the discovered moment. Based on previous readings from this unit, your reflection, and experience, as well as the above exercise, please write down your mission, vision, and values statements.
Discussion forum question
You have created your personal mission, vision and values statements by using the Appreciative Inquiry. Please submit your 3 statements to the discussion forum and explain what your experience was by going through this four-step process in terms of what was easy for you and what wasn’t? Also specify any questions that were especially valuable and helped you in formulating your mission, vision, and personal values statements. How did these questions help you to become strategic? Which of these questions would be of value to help others develop and why?

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