Posted: July 4th, 2022

Is the Customer Always Right?

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Is the Customer
Always Right?
At an independently owned Pizza Hut franchise in Oklahoma,20
two regular customers made sexually offensive remarks to a female employee
named Lockard, who then told her boss she did not like waiting on them. One
evening, these customers again entered the restaurant, and her boss instructed
Lockard to wait on them. She did, but this time the customers became physically
abusive. Although it is the employee’s duty to provide good customer service,
that does not mean accepting harassment. Lockard sued her employer, the owner
of the franchise, for failing to take her complaints seriously and for making
her continue to suffer sexual harassment and assault by customers. The jury
ruled in her favor, awarding her $360,000, and an appeals court upheld the
Clearly, no employee should expect to be
physically assaulted, but how far should an employee be expected to go in the
name of customer service?
Is taking verbal taunts expected? Why or why
Just as every employee should treat customers
and clients with respect, so every employer is ethically—and often
legally—obligated to safeguard employees on the job. This includes establishing
a workplace atmosphere that is safe and secure for workers. If you were the
owner of this Pizza Hut franchise, what protections might you put in place for
your employees?

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