Posted: July 5th, 2022

Apple Inc.

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1500 words
Company to use: Apple Inc.
Reflecting on an organisation you are familiar with, write a report that critically discusses how the organisation could achieve (or has achieved) a competitive advantage in the market by developing any two of the following supply chain transformation strategies:
from firm-level functional integration to end-to-end supply chain integration and digitalisation
from single to multiple market-driven supply chain strategies (e.g. agile, lean and hybrid supply chain strategies)
from firm-based competition to network-based competition.
Need Plagerism Report
Need 6 ACADEMIC references to be put in AIB Style format (PDF attached)
Refer to assesment Instructions and rubric alongside grading criteria listed below
Grading criteria
Your assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:
Extent to which two supply chain transformation strategies covered (20%)
Use and understanding of theories/concepts relevant to the selected supply chain transformation strategies (25%)
Critical reflection and application of theories/concepts to the case organisation (45%)
Communication, presentation, structure, and language (5%)
Compliance with the AIB Style Guide in in-text citations, referencing, and use of minimum 6 credible academic references excluding data sources etc. (5%)

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