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This is a rewrite. My similarity rate was 77%. I am asked revise and add more of my own ideas rather than source material?
Module 2 – Background
Let’s begin this module by reading chapter 5 of the Byars and Stanberry book:
Byars, S., & Stanberry, K. (2018). Business Ethics. Rice University, OpenStax. Retrieved from pp. 131-154. CC BY 4.0 license
As you will see, there is indeed a relationship between business ethics, culture, and time. Of course, ethical practices and beliefs are influenced by geography and religion. The reading leads us to ask: Are the values central to business ethics universal?
According to the authors, most organizations hold three different kinds of beliefs about themselves: (1) purpose of the business, (2) the organization’s mission, and (3) culture, religion, and ethics-driven beliefs.
For example, watch the following video about Merck and Co.’s fight to control river blindness in Africa.
World Bank. (2014, June 30). Treating River Blindness and other neglected tropical diseases [Video file]. Retrieved from
See the following article if you want to learn more about Merck’s successful donation program of the drug Mectizan to fight river blindness. This is a result of key players from across the world coming together to put ethical beliefs in motion. Merck describes their commitment: “as much as needed, for as long as needed.”
Merck. (2019). Over 30 years: The Mectizan donation program. Retrieved from
The Case Assignment for this module looks at Nike and the ongoing issue of sweatshops. For that assignment, review:
TeamSweat. (2011, July 28). Nike sweatshops: Behind the swoosh [Video file]. Retrieved from
Bain, M. (2017). Nike is facing a new wave of anti-sweatshop protests. Quartz. Retrieved from
Mintz, S. (May 2012). Social responsibilities of a U.S. company doing business abroad. Retrieved from
St. Clair, J. (September 2018). Nike’s bad air. Retrieved from
Reference source for SLP 2:
World Health Organization. (2018). WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2000-2025 (2nd Ed.), pp. 11-18. Retrieved from
Module 2 – SLP
Signature Assignment for Information Literacy—Introduced Level
Goal of this Session Long Project:
This assignment is the second of four SLPs where you will be building a bank of takeaways pertaining to ethical and/or unethical behaviors.
Begin by reading the following scenario for SLP 2:
When Even Doctors Smoked
From the 1940s to the 1970s, cigarettes were as common as water bottles are today. Nearly everyone smoked, from judges in court to factory workers and pregnant women. Edward Bernays, the Austrian-American founder of the field of public relations, promoted smoking among women in a 1929 campaign in New York City in which he marketed Lucky Strike cigarettes as “torches of freedom” that would lead to equality between men and women.
However, by the late 1960s, and in the wake of the release of the landmark Surgeon General’s report on “Smoking and Health” on January 11, 1964, it had become clear that there was a direct link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Subsequent research has added heart and lung diseases, stroke, and diabetes. Smoking has decreased in Western countries but remains well established in the global East and South, where cigarette manufacturers actively promote the products in markets like Brazil, China, Russia, and Singapore, especially among young people.
Are such practices ethical? Why or why not?
Source: Byars and Stanberry (2018), pgs. 140-141.
The following source should also be useful to you as reference:
World Health Organization. (2018). WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2000-2025 (2nd Ed.), pp. 11-18. Retrieved from
This assignment asks you to:
Express your reactions
Apply your own background/experiences
State important takeaways
Add other comments you would like to make
Your SLP submission should be 2- to 3-pages of text, well organized, well written, and 100% error free. You may use first- or third-person voice. Write in full sentences and demonstrate your critical-thinking skills. Be creative (for example, add color and/or small graphics).
Note: In this SLP we have introduced the importance of library research. Going forward also support your arguments with sources from the Trident Online Library. This is an expectation at the graduate level.
Additional Requirements for this SLP Assignment:
Utilize 3 sources of information from the Trident Online Library, one from each of the following:
A book from Skillsoft Books 24×7
A periodical from ProQuest Central
An Internet source
Include an Appendix at the end of your paper (add it just after your References page). In the appendix for each source discuss why you chose to use it in your paper, and discuss what factors you used to determine they were appropriate.
Information Literacy Emphasis
The grading rubric for Information Literacy has been developed to measure student success in meeting the ETH501 SLP 2 “introduced” expectations related to Information Literacy. Other assessments of information literacy at the “reinforced” and “emphasized” levels are included in future assignments in courses designed for that purpose.
General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers:
For a list of general reference sources related to locating library sources, using APA formatting, applying critical-thinking skills, and so forth, see General References Useful for Preparing Graduate-Level Papers. It is not required that you read these sources page-by-page, but rather you refer to them for guidance.
SLP Assignment Expectations
This assignment will be assessed on the following criteria in the Information Literacy rubric:
Determine the extent of the information needed: Effectively defines the scope of the research question and determines key concepts. Types of information (sources) selected directly relate to concepts or answer research question.
Access the needed information: Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and most appropriate information sources.
Evaluate information and its sources critically: Thoroughly (systematically and methodically) analyzes own and others’ assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.
Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose: Communicates, organizes, and synthesizes information from sources to fully achieve a specific purpose, with clarity and depth.
Access and use information ethically and legally: Correctly uses all of the following information use strategies (use of citations and references; choice of paraphrasing, summary, or quoting; using information in ways that are true to original context; distinguishing between common knowledge and ideas requiring attribution) and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on the use of published, confidential, and/or proprietary information.
Timeliness: Assignment submitted on time or delivered late with instructor’s approval.

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