Posted: July 6th, 2022

Senior leadership is requesting an executive summary from human resources that will help them understand the components of the performance management system at Matrix . T

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PowerPoint slides; 250 words speaker notes per slide
(3 slides)Senior leadership is requesting an executive summary from human resources that will help them understand the components of the performance management system at Matrix . This must be written as a brief that informs the senior leaders at Matrix so they can make strategic decisions. You must reinforce the importance of performance management for employee growth and demonstrate the value that can be gained when managing employees.
As the leader of this project for human resources, you will be required to prepare the executive summary that will include the following information:
What are the components of a performance management system?
What factors do managers need to succeed in an effective performance management system?
What factors do employees need to succeed in an effective performance management system?
(5 slides) Senior leadership at Matrix International Corporation now has a strong understanding of the importance of performance management and its value to the company. Their knowledge came as a result of the information that you provided to them in your executive summary. The human resources department and your supervisor, Annalise Zajac, the Director of Human Resources, are very proud of the foundation that you have built for them. Annalise has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you evaluate a minimum of 3 different approaches to evaluating performance to share with the HR department. The following must be included in your PowerPoint presentation:
What are three approaches to evaluating performance?
How is each typically used?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? (3 slides)Your supervisor, Annalise, the Human Resources Director at Matrix, has reviewed your research on performance appraisals and is very impressed with your work. She asks you to continue research into the link between training and performance management. She asks you to prepare a report about the following aspects of training:
Why should managers and employees be trained on performance management?
What performance management topics can managers and employees be trained on and why?
What types of rater bias that can be addressed with effective training? (3 slides) Matrix is interested in how performance management systems are designed effectively and how they adhere to legal requirements. Your supervisor Annalise has asked you to prepare a two-part executive report for the VP of HR that demonstrates some key factors to consider when designing a performance management system.
What is the importance of goal-setting when designing a performance management system?
What is the role of a job description when designing a performance management system?
How does performance management encourage employee development?
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Patrick Bateman. (2012, October 11). Organizational objectives in business activity [Video]. Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:
Total Success Training. (2013). Appraisal training video – How to perform a performance appraisal [Video]. Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:
Newmarket Learning. (2009, February 17). Performance reviews & appraisals – Manager training [Video]. Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:
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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation (n.d.). Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:
Motivation through Job Enrichment (n.d.). Retrieved from the YouTube Web site:

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