Posted: July 7th, 2022

Discuss whether Kyle’s proposal would violate BEC’s code of ethics.

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Assignment 5 Directions
Each assignment requires between 3 full pages to a maximum of 4 full pages in length, double-spaced, MS Word default margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font in MS Word. Then, save all assignments in .pdf format. At the top of the first page, provide your name, the assignment number, and the date on a single line, e.g. “John Sanchez, Assignment 1, June 27.” The first double-spaced paragraph then follows below. Use at least 3 paragraphs per page and do not include blank lines; number your pages, number your answers to the three questions as 1, 2 and 3, so that I see where one answer to a question ends and the next begins. Attach the assignment as a separate .pdf file via only the assignment tool.
Assignment 5 Questions
Chapter 9, pp. 215: answer the following questions and use concepts from the chapter as appropriate.
1. Discuss whether Kyle’s proposal would violate BEC’s code of ethics.
2. Identify the organizational pressures that Mei-li is facing to call Hiyota.
3. How should Mei-li handle the situation? Why do you believe that?

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