Posted: February 25th, 2022

Research/find a minimum of at least 10, preferably 5 different peer-reviewed journal articles on your topic from the A University Library online business database.

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The goal of this research project is for students to learn more about international accounting standards.

Professional Topic Research Paper Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is for students to research and learn about current topics/issues in international accounting.

Students will identify topics in international accounting (Textbook TOC could be used to identify topic), research more about the chosen topic, and write an APA paper on their findings.

The discussion and analysis of the paper must be at least 7-8pages
Research/find a minimum of at least 10, preferably 5 different peer-reviewed journal articles on your topic from the A University Library online business database.

Online reliable resources can be used as well. It is important to check with faculty, if you are not sure about your resources.

3. The article(s) must be current/published within the last five (5) years. (The one exception is for the accounting history of chosen topic – hard to find current articles on the accounting history).

4. Write 7 pages double spaced paper in APA format discussing the findings on your specific topic in your own words. Note – paper length does not include cover page, outline, and references page. Students cannot use quotation marks for this short research project
My outline and research topic will be added below.

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