Posted: July 9th, 2022

Describe the economic conditions and exchange rates of their selected foreign country.

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Describe the economic conditions and exchange rates of their selected foreign country. Go to the Discussion Board in Canvas and reply to my post with your selected country. Once a country is selected in the discussion board, it cannot be used by another student, and it is first-come, first-serve.
This portion of the Global Business Paper will likely be two pages in length written in APA format, and must use at least two reputable economic sources. You need to consider your overarching final Global Business Paper assignment as you write this section of the paper.
This portion of the paper is to be approximately two pages in length.
Include a minimum of two peer-reviewed supporting resources beyond the textbook. Two economic sources are linked above, but you may use any source that helps them better understand the economy of the selected foreign country.
This is the overarching assignment that is due at the end of week 5:
Select any foreign country (outside of their native country) of your choice to write about. Assume that you are the product manager for the newest generation iPad Pro manufactured by Apple. Apple is trying to decide whether or not to actively market the iPad Pro in the country you selected. Your job is to give an overall analysis of the country to your Vice President at Apple. You need to specifically discuss:
The political environment in your selected country
Culture in the country you selected
The economic conditions of the country you selected
The exchange rates over the last year
How to effectively market in the country you selected
Any other factors that would help describe the business environment in the country you selected
Finally, offer your reasons for actively marketing the newest generation iPad Pro in this country or your reasons for avoiding this market.
The Global Business Paper will likely be 5-7 pages in length. A rubric for grading the paper can be found in Canvas. The paper is to be written in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1” right and left margins and uploaded in Canvas.
UAE will be the country and here are the two sites. and

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