Posted: July 11th, 2022

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Access Fortune: “The 2019 List” (opens in a new tab) by clicking on the link and then “PDF Full Text” in the upper left corner of the page.
Scan through the list of leaders and select two business leaders that
interest you to research. Answer the questions below in a single essay, citing and referencing at least two outside sources in addition to the textbook.
Your essay must include an introduction, body, and conclusion and address all relevant parts of each question.
Make sure to cite all references you use. Remember, you must reference your textbook and two outside sources.
All sources must be cited using APA format as described in Lesson 0.
Case Study Questions
You have been asked to develop a leadership profile to share at your
next team meeting. As a team lead, you are interested in learning more
about successful leadership, so this is perfect timing. Answer the
following questions to prepare for your leadership profile presentation.
Identify the two leaders you selected and explain why you feel they
are classified as great leaders. How has their leadership impacted
success at the organizational or societal levels?
Choose any two of the seven leadership traits
described on pages 315-316 of your textbook. Compare and contrast the
extent to which the two leaders you researched display the two traits,
supporting your conclusions with specific evidence from your research.
Be sure to cite your sources.
Visionary leadership involves thinking strategically in preparation
for the future. Describe which of the two leaders you selected best
highlights visionary leadership in their role, providing detailed
support for your conclusion.

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