Posted: July 11th, 2022

Identify 2 leaders that you experienced that were ethical and one unethical leader that you experienced

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This is an ethics journal assignment on leadership where you identify 2 leaders that you experienced that were ethical and one unethical leader that you experienced. I have included the assignment instructions and questions that needs to be answered. I went into my textbook and screenshoted all the important information that the professor wanted for each question to be answered with. I put all that information on a word document so it is easier for you to understand and complete the assignment. Please read them through and answer them with the correct questions that I labeled them with. The first section is about ethical leader so the information is asking about ethical leader and then second section is unethical leader which i also included all the textbook information all in one document. If you have any questions about the assignment please message me about it! It needs to be 12 pages minimum double space and times new roman size 12. Please answer all the questions in detail and use the resources I have provided from the textbook.
Thank you!

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