Posted: July 12th, 2022

From your understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic, how might a small manufacturing company use both the prevention and the preparation stages of crisis planning with respect to supply chain disruptions?

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Chapter 7
One of this week’s chapters (7) is about planning and goal setting. You’ll learn that we have multiple levels of goals and plans within an organization. Just to be clear, a GOAL is a desired future circumstance or condition that the organization wants to realize. PLANNING is the act of determining goals and defining the means of achieving them. A PLAN is a blueprint specifying the resource allocations, schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals.
Of course, managers plan for the everyday resource allocations to meet company goals. But, as we learned, we must also be able to plan for a crisis.
For this discussion, let’s do this:
From your understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic, how might a small manufacturing company use both the prevention and the preparation stages of crisis planning with respect to supply chain disruptions?
Be sure to address both the prevention and preparation stages of crisis planning in your answer and specifically use the information we learned from the chapter. (15 pts for a substantive post – see below for more on “substantive.”)
Then, respond to two of your fellow students with a substantive post.
This information about “substantive” should prove helpful as you make your post. From Dr
Writing substantive online discussion posts does not have to be difficult. By substantive, I mean that online posts should contribute to the discussion by providing thought-provoking ideas for consideration. In the end, you’ll end up with a better grade.
Substantive initial postings must answer the discussion question directly and completely as well as make some contribution to the topic at hand. Response postings such as “I agree” or “Good job” with no elaboration are not considered substantive. Instead, explain why you agree or disagree. Elaborate, expand and engage. Below are some strategies to help you write a substantive post:
Writing Substantive Online Discussion Posts: Strategies for Success
• Comment on a point made by a fellow classmate – This is a great strategy because it shows your instructor that you are reflecting on and synthesizing what your peers have written.
• Consider an idea being discussed and offer a different perspective on it.
• Describe an interesting idea from the week’s reading, as it applies to the topic at hand, and explain what insights you gained from it.
• Link your post to course content.
• Provide examples from your professional and personal life experiences.
• Share a related experience or comment on others’ experiences.
• Ask a thoughtful question.
• Solicit comments/opinions from your fellow classmates about your own post.
• Share another resource or provide an additional piece of information. Consider links to external articles and/or resources.
• Disagree (respectfully) or play the devil’s advocate with a peer.
• Make connections. Look for similar ideas or experiences among your classmates’ postings and draw conclusions.
• Acknowledge all responses to your posts from your peers and instructor.
Chapter 8
• From Porter, we learned about the five competitive forces he believes exist in a company’s environment. The forces help determine a company’s position vis-a-vis competitors in the industry environment. Companies would generally perform a competitive analysis for each business segment.
• Those forces are:
• **Potential new entrants
• **Bargaining power of buyers
• **Bargaining power of suppliers
• **Threat of substitute products
• **Rivalry among competitors
• Porter suggests that companies adopt one of three strategies to find a competitive edge within the specific business environment. Those strategies are differentiation, cost leadership, or focus.
• Following the information starting on page 265 of the textbook, perform a competitive analysis for Walmart. Think about Walmart as a whole rather than a particular business segment.
• Then, discuss the competitive strategy that Walmart likely follows.
• Each paragraph (one for each force and a sixth for the competitive strategy) should be 4-6 sentences long.
• Remember to proofread before you submit!
• Please be specific
Chapter 9
The approach that managers use to make decisions usually follows one of three models: the classical model, the administrative model, or the political model. The choice of model depends on the manager’s personal preference, whether the decision is programmed or nonprogrammed, and the degree of uncertainty associated with the decision.
Recall that a programmed decision is one made in response to a situation that has occurred often enough to enable managers to develop decision rules that can be applied in the future.
A non-programmed decision is one made in response to a situation that is unique, is poorly defined and largely unstructured, and has important consequences for the organization.
For each of these three situations, tell me which model you would use and why:
1. Whether or not to have a corporate mandate for the use of masks during the COVID 19 pandemic.
2. Moving the manufacturing process overseas to save an estimated 5% on production costs for at least 3 years. The savings percentage has been adjusted to absorb any moving expenses or initial quality issues that would arise. The country to which we would move is somewhat unstable economically.
3. Whether or not to purchase a piece of equipment to replace the old equipment. The numbers indicate a return on investment that is just barely below the corporate minimum but the workers believe the old equipment is both unsafe and unpredictable in terms of producing quality product.
Each answer should be at least 5 sentences.
After reading chapter 7,8, and 9, viewing the content material and the PowerPoints, write three sentences for each chapter. First, describe something you learned that you didn’t know before you read the chapters, then, relate this new knowledge to the world in which we live.

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