Posted: July 15th, 2022

Strategic Leadership Memo: How US Lost Out on iPhone Work

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Strategic Leadership Memo: How US Lost Out on iPhone Work
This is a short form paper (2 pages, NO RESEARCH required). Through the lens of a senior leader, students will apply critical thinking, their own perspectives and class materials to examine how key decisions are made and offer new paths forward.
Read the following PDF document that will be attached:
How US Lost Out on iPhone Work
Please be sure to answer the following questions in your memo:
What are the positive impacts to Apple outsourcing (or offshoring) their iPhone production? Be sure to consider whether this action is beneficial to the company, customers and/or product in your answers.
What are negative impacts to Apple outsourcing their iPhone production? Be sure to consider whether this actions have negative impacts on the company, customers and/or product in your answers.
What do you think Apple should do with iPhone production and why? Write a strong recommendation as if you were a senior executive speaking to Apple’s leadership. Recommendation should be an important part of the paper.
This is the criteria for the memo:
Accurate assessment or overview of the situation/thesis discussed in the article
Detailed coverage of questions asked in the syllabus
Provides thoughtful strategic analysis applying (or through the lens of) learnings from class (to date)
Advocates for leadership decisions and/or recommendations that are consistent with student’s own strategic analysis/uses their strategic analysis to drive decision-making.

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