Posted: July 19th, 2022

Choose a classmate’s post. Use the same data and forecast a trend line projection using the regression analysis techniques from Unit 8. Share the graph and “next period” prediction. Based on the graph, do you think this is a good model for this variable

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See Example and DB starter video in Unit 9 LiveBinder.
Peer Reply #1: Choose a classmate’s post. Use the same data and forecast a trend line projection using the regression analysis techniques from Unit 8. Share the graph and “next period” prediction. Based on the graph, do you think this is a good model for this variable? See Example.
Peer Reply #2: Choose another classmate’s post. Compare the MAD (mean absolute deviation) forecasting error of all three forecasts (moving average, weighted moving average and exponential smoothing) and state which forecasting method gives the most accurate forecast. See Example.

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