Posted: July 22nd, 2022

As you begin to think about the leadership practicum project, what is a potential problem that is unique to your leadership situation and needs to be changed?

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write response to the unique leadership issue below
As you begin to think about the leadership practicum project, what is a potential problem that is unique to your leadership situation and needs to be changed?
A problem unique to my leadership situation and organization and needs to be changed is building a more inclusive workplace culture to positively change the workplace climate to work as an effective and cohesive team.
The School District Mentor Teacher Program, which operates out of the Office of Professional Learning and Leadership/Division of Human Resources, is composed of fifty-nine mentor teachers and two supervisors. The issue of building a more inclusive workplace has come about with the merger of two school district programs and offices in SY 20 – 2021, Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)/Office of Employee Performance and the Mentor Teacher (MT) Program/Office of Professional Learning and Leadership. Both programs, PAR and the MT serve new and conditional district teachers, focusing on providing support to build teacher knowledge and skill set and increase teacher retention. The school district believes that the shift and focus are to servicing all novice teachers with a mentor instructional coach. The newly developed mentor teacher program has two administrators. It consists of twenty-seven original MTs, sixteen PAR consultant teachers, and 15 new hires, totaling fifty-eight mentor teachers.
In this shift and development, many of the PAR consultant teachers and new hires feel that the original Mentor Teachers and the prospective office needs to build a more cohesive and inclusive workplace environment because this problem; has negatively impacted the workplace climate and possibly efficiency.
Why is changing this important to you?
In order to become more effective and efficient as a school district mentor, it is important that all members of the team feel equally part of the mentor teacher organization. If the aforementioned issue is not addressed to build a more cohesive team and culture of collaboration that uniquely values each member and what they bring to the organization, the efficiency, and effectiveness of the organization’s goals may not be attained, due to the workplace culture and climate.
Why is the status quo not good enough?
The status quo is not good enough. The organization has to set high standards that incorporate all of its members as valued stakeholders, with each bringing their unique gifts and talents to the whole organization, in order to reach the goals of the school district mentor teacher program. If each mentor teacher does not feel that part of the organization, the goals of the organization and school district can be deeply impacted with consequences that affect teacher retention as well as student performance and achievement.
What do you anticipate being some of the challenges you are going to face over the next weeks as you try to implement the desired change?
Team administration will face conflicts among team members.
Issues among team members and the effects that it has on the mentor teacher’s work with teacher clients; such as running professional development for novice school district teachers, providing resources among team members, and engaging in office organizational activities
Team administrators will have to implement strategies and activities to unite mentor teachers
Utilizing the unique talents of each individual mentor in the organization
Include the PAR merged consultant teachers and newly hired mentors in more of the organization’s strategies, and goals; in order to deliver high-quality outcomes
Provide more organizational training, to build a cohesive team, culture, and climate
Increase resources (human, capital) to build a more positive workplace culture and climate
Which of Kotter’s 8-steps do you anticipate being the easiest…the most difficult to tackle?
Creating a guiding coalition can be an easy step for the team, as administrators begin to include all stakeholders, as part of the mentor teacher organization. Having a unified constructed vision, to reach the organization’s goals is essential to the success of the team and its mission. Good leaders encourage and develop others. They have a vision, are inspiring and motivating, and are flexible, authentic, and lead by example.
Of Kotter’s 8 steps, Communicating the change vision would be the most difficult step, as the school district mentor teacher program tries to change the workplace culture and climate, in order to build a more cohesive and efficient workforce. The administrators must send consistent messages and effectively communicate and implement structures and strategies that reinforce a positive work environment, where all members are valued

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