Posted: July 28th, 2022

The political and legal environment. Political stability? Legal issues?

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Choose a country to profile and prepare a brief (5 page minimum – not including the title page and the reference page) APA formatted research paper that highlights the potential opportunities, risks and challenges of doing business there. Issues to consider and/or include:
Brief overview of the country and demographics.
The political and legal environment. Political stability? Legal issues?
The economic environment. Stability? Growing economy? Hard hit by this recession?
Cultural issues.
Any other important issues.
Suggestions for potential opportunities, expansion goals, risks, and challenges.
Assignment Guidelines
Select one (1) country for the research above. Research your topic using scholarly sources from the FSW library. You will be developing a literature review based on what other scholars have written about your topic and develop an analysis of the economic and political environment of the country. It is not acceptable to simply state that information does not exist for a country. If you are unable to find information, then pick a country for which the information is available. The FSW librarians are helpful with research. The FSW Writing Center is also helpful. You might also consider using the resoruces included in the School of Business research guides located on the FSW library website. Minimum of 5 pages, maximum 8 pages not including a title and reference page. Minimum of 5 scholarly sources
Your paper will be set up in the following format and using the following Level One Headings.
Introduction This section of the paper must be “introduced” as a major heading (centered) entitled Introduction. Essentially, the introduction “introduces” the project and describes the purpose of the paper and what will be accomplished through completion of the project. This section should be less than 1 page. Background This section provides background information on the country being researched, i.e., consequences to any organization This section should be limited to no more than one-two pages Be sure to keep in mind the purpose of the paper – Suggestions for potential opportunities, expansion goals, risks, and challenges.
Literature Review of Problem
(minimum of 5 different scholars reviewed – it is possible they may not all agree – if so, you must decide what you think will work best). This section provides the research data from which the student will draw new meanings and apply critical thinking. This part should be rich in relevant information from scholarly sources. This portion should be the bulk of your paper and contain most of your references. Each page of the paper should include citations (not direct quotes) from a minimum of two different resources for support. Recommended Solution (Practical Application) This section provides the best-recommended “suggestions for potential opportunities, expansion goals, risks, and challenges” and it must reflect your findings in your literature review and be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely). Each page of the paper should include citations (not direct quotes) from a minimum of two different resources for support. Summary This section should be the culmination of your analysis and critical thinking about the management problem that you identified, and the recommended solution to that problem. It should be rich with your own thoughts, analysis, and interpretation (but written in the third person). It should endeavor to persuade the reader that you have completely analyzed the situation and recommended the best suggestions in order for the organization to thrive and move forward in a positive manner. Remember, this portion fully states the case concerning why the particular situation exists and what are the potential opportunities, expansion goals, risks, and challenges. References The only mandatory item that should be included here is a list of all relevant reference sources used in the construction of your paper. A minimum of six (5) scholarly references are required. If it is on the reference page it must be cited in-text and vice-versa.
FSW Library Guides – Supervision and Management
Assignment Instructions
Please review the Rubric for additional information regarding grading criteria. Grading will be based on content, format, and demonstration of weekly reading assignments, learning objectives, and outside research. Direct quotes are not permitted. A minimum of 5 full pages addressing each of the components above, but not including the title page and reference page.
Do not use any online source (other than the FSW library databases). All sources must come from the FSW library databases.
A minimum of 5 peer-reviewed sources (not including the textbook) from the FSW library databases must be cited in the text of the paper. See the link to the Florida SouthWestern State College Library Research Tutorial. Be sure to review how to find peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles. The FSW librarians and your instructor can also assist with researching the databases. Do not use any textbook as a source.
Do not use direct quotes. Be sure to paraphrase. Do not copy and paste. The FSW Writing Centers offer assistance with writing through virtual meetings. is also helpful.
Use APA to properly cite all sources.
Make sure your paper begins with a Level One Heading: Introduction (Do not confuse an Introduction with an Abstract)
An abstract is not required for student research.
Include a properly formatted APA cover sheet.
Include a properly formatted APA reference page.
Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
Double-space the entire paper.
Accurate In-text citations must be included.
APA documentation and formatting style used appropriately (including in-text citations, reference entries, and format).
A thorough analysis of the topic in relation to management, leadership, and course learning outcomes.
Spelling, grammar, and writing style Write in the third person – such as, “This researcher…”, “This student…”, Do not use “I”, “we”, “our”, “you”, or any other forms of indefinite

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