Posted: August 1st, 2022

Systems-thinking and common biases that can affect your decisions

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You have been promoted to a senior management position in your company. In recent meetings with the CEO and other members of the executive team, discussions about the need to change the strategic direction of the company have been center-stage. The company has been losing
market-share for several quarters now and it has been determined that many factors have contributed to this downward trend that has resulted in lost sales and commitments from customers. For you, decisions pertaining to improvements in the areas of product development, training, marketing, manufacturing processes, quality, and motivating the workforce must be
made. Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the concepts learned thus far in an analysis of your decision-making process that will enable you to improve in the areas mentioned. Be sure to include the following decision-making concepts:
The steps of the decision-making process that are relevant Types of data that needs to be collected in order to make effective and efficient decisions
Systems-thinking and common biases that can affect your decisions
Judging from Explanations model (Figure 1.6, p 119). Your papers must include an introduction and a clear thesis, multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking.

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