Posted: August 3rd, 2022

summarize and critically analyze the work of Sebastian Sotelo titled ‘Domestic

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Stage B. Submitting your manuscript
Based on what you have learned throughout this course;
summarize and critically analyze the work of Sebastian Sotelo titled ‘Domestic
Trade Frictions and Agriculture’ and prepare it for submission for the
Hypothetical Journal of Political Economy [n.b. an entirely made up journal].
Your summary should cover all the key points in Sotelo’s work.
Your summary should also include elaborations (i.e. your own reflections) on 1
figure, 1 statistical diagram, 1 table, and 1 formula from Sotelo’s original
Follow the guidelines of the journal listed below:
Hypothetical Journal of
Political Economy
The Hypothetical Journal of Political Economy aims to present significant
research and scholarship in economic theory and practice.
The following notes are meant as a guideline for authors when preparing
manuscripts for submission to the Hypothetical Journal of Political Economy.
1. The journal welcomes submissions of both full-length articles and notes. To
be acceptable for publication, authors should make a substantial contribution
to the subject and produce a technically well-crafted paper. No paper will be
rejected solely on the grounds of being too technical or too applied. To assist
the general reader, the Editors require that authors take care to motivate
their work and to communicate their contribution in a clear manner.
submission to be submitted via the assignment submission page. Only documents
in standard pdf or Microsoft Word format should be accepted. All articles must
be typed on one side of A4 paper only using double spacing throughout
(including any footnotes or lists of references). In general, full length
articles should not exceed 5000 (±10%) words excluding the references. Overlong
papers will be returned without consideration. Contributors are also asked to
send an abstract, not exceeding 250 words, a list of 5 keywords indicating the
contents of the article.
2. The title page should include the article title (15 words max), a running title
(5 words max), author name, and permanent affiliation. It should also include
the abstract and keywords. The title page is to be attached as separate sheet.
3. References should be indicated in the text by the surname of the author(s)
with the year of publication. The abbreviated author-and-date reference should
be placed in parentheses unless the name forms part of the text. The relevant
page(s) may be given if necessary, e.g., (Miller, 1991, p 3); (Allen and Gale,
1994a); Fuerbach (1989) has shown that…..
If no person is names as author, the name of the appropriate body should be
used, e.g., (Department of Employment, 1994).
The full reference list should be typed in alphabetical order, double spaced,
on a separate sheet of paper at the end of the article. Journal title should be
set out in full and if a book is quoted, the publisher, publisher’s town and
year of publication should be included, e.g., Wren, C (1996a), Industrial
Subsidies: The UK Experience. London: MacMillan, or, Yosha, O (1995), Privatising
multi-product banks. Economic Journal, 105, November, pp 1435-1453.]
4. Tables should be clearly headed and the reader should be able to understand
the meaning of each row or column without hunting in the text for explanations
of symbols, etc. Units of measurement, base-dates for index numbers,
geographical areas covered and sources should be clearly stated. Tables should
be submitted on separate sheets and numbered consecutively throughout the
5. Figures, submitted in their final form, should be clearly illustrated; the
components must be clearly labelled; the reader must be able to understand the
figure without hunting in the text for explanations. Figure legends should be
typed on a separate sheet.
6. Prepare a line (i.e. tweet) to share your article on Twitter if it gets
accepted (280 character max). Also, write a blog post (100 words) about your
article to be shared in your personal or departmental blog if it gets accepted
for publication, as social media platforms and blogs are ideal places for
presenting further insights or ideas. These are to be attached as a separate
7. Attach a covering letter, highlighting the significance of your work, as a
separate sheet addressed to:
The Editors,
Hypothetical Journal of
Political Economy
The Hypothetical
University of Business and Management
Tampa, FL
Before you submit, combine everything into one standard pdf or Microsoft word

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