Posted: August 6th, 2022

Is the change in S1 reactive or proactive?

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Diagnosing the situation is the first step in any change scenario. Diagnosis includes understanding the context of the change, the change agent’s power and influence, and the stakeholders. Answer the following:
Is the change in S1 reactive or proactive?
Is the change in S1 addressing an opportunity gap or a performance gap?
Is the change in S3 reactive or proactive?
Is the change in S3 addressing an opportunity gap or a performance gap?
Was it harder to lead proactive change or reactive change? At what phase did you observe the biggest differences in leading reactive change and proactive change? Explain your rationale and relate it to the situation at Spectrum Sunglass, i.e. the context for the change scenario.
As the director of product innovation, you have no formal power. How did you build and maintain your credibility?
What factors determined the receptivity of the change targets? How would you learn about these factors?
Change adoption
Raising awareness is a key element of the mobilization phase. Beyond raising awareness, what were your major goals during the mobilization phase? How did you achieve them?
Trial and adoption are key activities in the movement phase. Beyond these, what were your major goals during the movement phase? How did you achieve them?
Gaining a critical mass of adopters is necessary to achieve successful change. Beyond this, what were your major goals during the sustain phase? How did you achieve them?
Write a summary (no more than 2 pages) of how you approached the simulations and the lessons that you learned. Do not provide a step-by-step description of levers. Describe what you learned about effectively leading people and the organization through the mobilization, movement and sustainment phases of change.
Compare your performance based on:
Building and maintaining your credibility Timing and impact of change levers
Explain why there were any differences in performance in the two scenarios (S1 and S3).
What are the top 3 lessons that you will apply in your role as an analyst?
What are the top 3 lessons that you will avoid in your role as an analyst?
Diagnosis (30 pts) Proactive/Reactive change & Opportunity/ Productivity gap, and comparison of difficulty of scenarios (10 points)
Building and maintaining credibility (10 points)
Stakeholder analysis (10 points)
Change Adoption (30 pts)
Discuss you goals and approach in the Mobilization phase, Movement phase, and Sustain phase for S1 and S3 (10 points for each phase)
Summary of the lessons that you learned in the simulation (40 pts)
Include the following, as well as any other reflections that you think are relevant:
Compare your performance based on CER, building and maintaining your credibility, and the timing and impact of change levers and explain differences between the scenarios (20 points)
What are the top 3 lessons that you will apply in your role as an analyst? What are the top 3 lessons that you will avoid in your role as an analyst? (20 points)
Please carefully read the instructions. The files below are S1 and S3, two attempts each. Please carefully read those attempts and then analyze the improvement made by the second attempt than the first one.

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