Posted: August 8th, 2022

As a training consultant at Ikea, write a plan to implement education and training within the organization to address the opportunities and challenges associated with managing across cultures. Put an emphasis on management across culture concepts/elements from the United States perspective vs.

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As a training consultant at Ikea, write a plan to
implement education and training within the organization to address the
opportunities and challenges associated with managing across cultures. Put an emphasis
on management across culture concepts/elements from the United States
perspective vs. The Netherlands where Ikea is based. For ex. Imagine you are
working in the U.S. Office and addressing cultural concepts and elements from
the United States perspective – for U.S. employees working with foreign based
employees in the U.S. location. Consider language barriers in a presentation
and devise an improved plan to incorporate training that addresses training
U.S. personnel. Use Cross Cultural, Diversity,
Ethnocentrism, Intercultural Intracultural Multiculturalism concepts, to assist
with completing the training and education plan. Update your executive summary
to include the new content (no more than 1 page). Your executive summary should
include a training plan that includes both the host country and the U.S.,
associated costs, and total human resources required. At the end of your paper, write four
paragraphs about what you learned about the organization as it pertained to the
cross cultural management in the host country and U.S., any preconceived
notions prior to research about the organization in the host country relevant
to the U.S., and your current perceptions about the organization.
Associated Learning Outcomes
– Identify critical concepts in management across
– Interpret the cultural identity impact on an
– Examine human resources across cultures in an
– Propose strategies to overcome cultural barriers in an
– Compare and contrast management across cultures
relative to expatriates in an international setting
– Assess the politics, ethics, and legal issues
associated with management across cultures in an international setting
– Value management across cultures in organizations with
social missions
Paper should be 8 pages long.
Use a minimum of 5 – 7 academic journal sources in your
Double-space with 1-inch margins, 12-point and Times New Roman
Include a Cover (Title) Page and Reference page
Proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes
Cite sources to avoid plagiarism
Provide a thesis statement and conclusion

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