Posted: August 8th, 2022

Section 2. Ratio Analysis: In this section, you will complete the Ratios Analysi

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Section 2. Ratio Analysis: In this section, you will complete the Ratios Analysis of the company you chose, based on the commonly used ratios, as found in the textbook: Chapter 4 Summary of Key Equations, pages 4-34 to 4-35. Use Equations 4-1 to 4-19. Do not include the Market Ratios.
After calculating the ratios, provide an overview of ratios and their purpose, describe each category (Liquidity, Efficiency, Leverage, and Profitability) and comment on what each is measuring and what the result tells you about how the company has performed. Compare and comment on how the company generally performed when compared to the industry within which it operates. The Industry Ratios can be found here:
(Links to an external site.)
Your analysis should be a minimum of four pages and must include a cover page, reference page, and section headings.
Section 3. Income Statement Analysis: In this section, you will analyze the company income statement using information from the textbook as a guide. Be sure to provide an overview of the income statement and address the following: what are the total revenue/sales, costs of goods sold/revenue /sales, operating expenses, net income, etc., for each year. How have these numbers changed over the three years, what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have, what are the trends, what are the numbers saying about the company’s performance, and what are your recommendations
Section 4. Balance Sheet Analysis: In this section, you will analyze the company’s balance sheet using information from the textbook as a guide. Be sure to provide an overview of the balance sheet and address the company’s current assets, current liabilities, total assets, shareholder equity for each year, etc. Discuss how these numbers changed over the three years and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have? What are the trends, what are the numbers saying about the company’s value, and what are your recommendations?
Section 5. Cash Flow Analysis: In this section, you will analyze the company’s cash flow statement. Your analysis should include an overview of the statement of cash flow, an analysis of the cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities, as well as the change in cash and cash equivalents for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years, and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have.
Final Project. For the final project, you will combine all the previous five sections into one document for submission and include your conclusion and recommendations. What are some of the conclusions you reached? What are the highlights of your paper? What recommendations would you make to the management of the company? What recommendations would you make to shareholders in the company? Your final project must be submitted with your cover page, a table of contents, a reference page, and an appendix with the different statements.
You should use MS Word format, double-spacing, 1-inch margins all the way around, page numbers on every page except for the title page, and 12-point Times New Roman font.
Each section of the paper should be to a minimum of 4 pages.
After calculating the ratios, provide an overview of ratios and their purpose, describe each category (Liquidity, Efficiency, Leverage, and Profitability) and comment on what each is measuring and what the result tells you about how the company has performed. Compare and comment on how the company generally performed when compared to the industry within which it operates. The Industry Ratios can be found here:

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