Posted: August 13th, 2022


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TASK: Your task in this assignment is to examine an organization that has had a problem/issue with managing diversity. Within the context of this assignment, “problem” can be defined as charges of discrimination – gender, race, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, religion, etc. Or, the organization may be struggling with how to manage diversity effectively. You must include at least five outside sources, and they should represent a variety of types of sources.
Company: NFL (social justices, athletes kneeling
GUIDELINES The first section of your paper is a description of the problem(s) and how the problem(s)developed in this company. Was it over a long period of time, or did the problem emerge through one specific incident? Be sure to use details in your discussion. In this section, describe all of the different methods the company used to manage its problem. Describe, in detail, how the company dealt with the complexities of the situation. In addition, describe the company’s current status. Use your own expertise to analyze the situation (you do not need to answer all of these questions in your essay: use them to guide your thought process).  What could the company have done differently?  How could they have avoided this problem?  What did they do effectively/ineffectively?  What strategies should the company have implemented to manage the diversity problem/crisis?
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: All written assignments should be proofread and spellchecked before final submission. Written assignments must be typed (12-pt font) and double-spaced with one-inch margins. All work must be submitted on Canvas by the due date.
GRADING: Cases are graded on the following criteria:
Completeness of response
Quality of analysis
Writing (spelling, grammar, diction, etc.)
Cover page (student name, case study title, course BA1040, and date)
Clearly identified introduction
Content section(s
Clearly identified conclusion
Reference page (Required) / Multiple references preferred
Minimum 5 pages (Required) Includes cover page

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