Posted: August 13th, 2022

What is leadership? – With David Marquet (9:36 minutes)

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Watch all of these videos and write a summary of the takeways on all of them. 12 point font, times new roman, single spaced. Do not fake your way through the material. Write down insights and important take aways from each content. Include main points, specific details, interesting things, and how you can relate to it. On the paper put the title of the content/video and then the summary under it. Please be original and insightful or I will not get any credit for this assignment. Be on time. The first link has whole playlist but they are also linked seperatly for your convenience.
Length: 92:02 minutes
YouTube Playlist:
1. 1 What is leadership? – With David Marquet (9:36 minutes)

Management vs. Leading
1. 2 How to Manage Tasks and Lead People – Leadership
Training (3:19 minutes)

Everyday Leadership
1. 3 Everyday Leadership (2:05 minutes)

2. 4 Leading
with Lollipops – Drew Dudley (6:20 minutes)

Distributed Leadership
1. 5 Distributed leadership – Professor Alma Harris (1:08

2. 6 A Study of Distributed Leadership In Schools (4:48

3. 7 Future of Work Is About “Shared Leadership”
(2:13 minutes)

Leadership Theory
1. 8 Ten
Leadership Theories in Five Minutes (5:04 minutes)

2. 9 John Maxwell – The 5 Levels of Leadership (Not the Same
as Level 5Leadership) (12:45 minutes)

3. 10 Level 5 Leadership (8:34 minutes)

4. 11 Leadership Styles: Which Type of Leader Are You? (2:49

5. 12 How to be a Transformational Leader (2:49 minutes)

6. 13 What is Servant Leadership? (2:49 minutes)

1. 14 Why Self-Leadership is Important for Progress (12:59

2. 15 Introduction
to Self-Leadership (4:26 minutes)

3. 16 Managing
Oneself, by Peter Drucker – Animated Book Summary (6:56 minutes)

4. 17 Good
Leadership is Contagious – HBR Video (1:32 minutes)

5. 18 Be
the Change You Want to See (3:03 minutes)

6. 19 How
to Be Selfish (4:01 minutes)

7. 20 Secret
of Life – The Rules of Life Were Created by People No Smarter Than You – Steve
Jobs (1:27 minutes)

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