Posted: August 13th, 2022

Analyse and evaluate manager’s approaches in managing and leading an organizational change.

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Analyse and evaluate manager’s approaches in managing and leading an organizational change.
Analyse and evaluate manager’s approaches in managing and leading an organizational change, based on below; and a lesson learned with a plan for implementing the lesson
Manager’s approaches in managing and leading an organsational change.
– Factory wasn’t performing as expected (high failure rate for finished goods)
– Manager identified that reason for poor performance are due to
o Leadership was ineffective
o Team was no longer functioning as one (internal employee vs external employee)
o There was little or no people management
o Little or no accountability for performance
– Manager identified that there were two changes that were required which are,
o Organisational change
o Restructure of process
o Strategy change
o System update
Pls follow below format
1 – Analysis and evaluation of the manager’s effectiveness using above background. (600 words)
When writing, pls consider below
– Thinking behind a change agent’s doing (E.g mindset, idea, assumptions, thinking process (System 1 or 2), their values and their goals
– Use Kanter’s examples of reasons for resistance (Choose at least three from below)
o Loss of control
o Too much uncertainty
o More work
o Difference effect
o Ripple effect
o Real threats
– Mention Halo effect and confirmation bias for analysis
2 – Lesson learnt (200 words)
– Write what I learnt about by analysing and evaluating manager’s approaches in managing and leading an organizational change.
3 – Plan for implementing the lesson that I learnt (100 words)
– Write plan for implementing the lesson that I learnt if I am in similar situation
Use SMART formul

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